Hi, I’m Jeffrey Moro.

I’m a researcher, writer, and tinkerer interested in how we use media technologies to make culture out of the natural world. I’m currently an Assistant Clinical Professor of Digital Humanities and Digital Studies with African American Digital and Experimental Humanities (AADHum) at the University of Maryland, College Park, where I also received a PhD in English with a certificate in Digital Studies.
I’m at work on a book titled Cloud Studies, which explores the mediation of atmospheric phenomena as information across the arts and sciences—from electronic literature about wind and weather, to interactive simulations of geoengineering and terraforming, to the electromagnetic frequencies that suffuse both the sky and space. You can find a list of my publications and public talks over on the research tab.
I welcome new collaborations and opportunities, particularly on projects that bring together data, culture, and environmental sustainability. I’m a cofounder of the Immersive Realities Labs for the Humanities, a multidisciplinary research lab that integrates emerging digital technologies with the critical lens of the humanities. Past lives include work as a site manager for Romantic Circles, a born-digital journal of Romantic literary studies, and as a post-baccalaureate resident with Five College Digital Humanities.
You can learn more about my work from my CV; I also have an idiosyncratically updated professional blog. And if you’d rather look at a picture of my cat, I really couldn’t blame you.