## Markdown extension (e.g. md, markdown, mdown). MEXT = md ## All markdown files in the working directory SRC = $(wildcard *.$(MEXT)) ## Location of Pandoc support files. PREFIX = /Users/jeffreymoro/.pandoc ## Project name PROJ = $(shell basename $(CURDIR)) ## Location of your working bibliography file ## BIB = $(CURDIR)/$(PROJ).bib BIB = /Users/jeffreymoro/Documents/Zotero/zotero.bib ## CSL stylesheet (located in the csl folder of the PREFIX directory). CSL = chicago-fullnote-bibliography PDFS=$(SRC:.md=.pdf) DOCX=$(SRC:.md=.docx) TEX=$(SRC:.md=.tex) all: clean-product vc $(PDFS) $(DOCX) clean-meta stage pdf: clean-product $(PDFS) clean-meta docx: clean-product $(DOCX) clean: clean-product clean-meta %.docx: %.md pandoc -s --csl=$(PREFIX)/csl/$(CSL).csl --bibliography=$(BIB) --reference-doc=$(PREFIX)/ref.docx -o _stage/$@ $< %.pdf: %.md pandoc -s --pdf-engine=xelatex --listings --template=$(PREFIX)/templates/essay.tex --csl=$(PREFIX)/csl/$(CSL).csl --bibliography=$(BIB) --biblatex -o $@.tex $< xelatex $@.tex biber $@ xelatex $@ xelatex $@ mv *.pdf _stage/ clean-product: rm -f _stage/*.pdf _stage/*.docx clean-meta: rm -f *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.bcf *.log *.out *.xml vc: vc stage: mv *.pdf _stage # mv *.docx _stage mv *.pdf.tex _stage